Research Technician
B.S. Cognitive & Behavioral Neuroscience, The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH
Chris Bope joined the Moss Lab as a research technician in June 2018. After graduating with BA in Neuroscience from the College of Wooster Chris went to work in the Lab of Dr. Betty Zimmerberg studying the long term effects of early life stressors in rats. Chris then spent several years conducting pharmaceutical research, where he investigated the pharmaco-kinetics of many drug compounds, as well as therapeutic treatments for type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
He is currently investigating therapeutics targeting pharmaco-resistant epilepsy and infantile spasm disorder. He also manages the lab’s animal colony.
Outside of the lab, Chris is an aspiring film buff, he’s also a volunteer hiking leader for the Appalachian Mountain Club, and enjoys hiking around New England.