Noah Redder

Research Technician




B.S. Neuroscience/Psychology, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA

Noah studied Psychology and Neuroscience at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA.

Previously, Noah conducted studies on the impact of facial restriction on emotional perception and, in collaboration with Dr. Ryan Mrucezk. He mainly investigated visual perception by manipulating the Ebbinghaus illusion to better understand the underlying neural mechanisms of visual perception.

In the Moss lab, Noah will be conducting genetic analysis of various mouse lines to be used in experiments and managing mouse colonies. In the future, Noah hopes to pursue a neuroscience MD/PhD program to be able to advance medical treatments in practice and integrate them into clinical practice. In his free time, Noah plays tennis, skies, and enjoys learning more about the potential therapeutic benefits of psychedelic compounds and how they function in the brain.